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.FR : IPv6 is part of!

14 May 2007 17:38

The ICANN meeting of Kuala-Lumpur was the opportunity of ratifying the way to Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) standard. This new format will allow the fight against the (so relative) addresses scarcity IPv4 that should affect Internet in some years. As a matter of fact, each ordainer connected to Internet in a certain moment is assigned to an only address IP: the Internet development could show that there aren’t enough addresses for all, in long term, yet! IPv6 permits to assign million of supplementary addresses and so to associate an IP to each object (mobile phone, refrigerator). Thanks to AFNIC, France was for a long time one of the most advanced countries into this dominion. It is logical then, .FR be one o the first registries (with the .KR, the .JP and more recently the .IE) who proposes visible addresses IPv6 into the world. A way of coming into the XXI century of French Internet!



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