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.IQ: When are Iraqi dominion names for?

14 May 2007 18:18

Tunisia ICANN meeting was the opportunity for someone’s where they presented an association project of Arabic countries ccTLDs in a similar way that the European CENTR. But Iraq case came to remember us that Internet world must, sometimes, give in a step in front of the real world.

We need to remember a little about history in order to understand in a better way. Imposed sanctions against Saddam Hussein political system, after the 1991 war, hindered it the using of its ccTLD (.IQ). It was properly reserved into IANNA base from 1997 and then it was delegated to Infocom society (as .Fr was with AFNIC, for example). The result is that at the end of the conflict on May 2003, more exactly on July,5. the ONU raised up sanctions. In this way began, in theory, the .IQ opening to Iraqi people. The thing we don’t know is who the registry operator is going to be. Also in theory, Infocom society signed a contract with American Society Millennium Inc (it is an specialist on telecommunications and housing) in 1999. This is for the renewing of the .IQ management and dominion names could, finally, be into this area. Mr. Asaad Alnajjar at least tired, an American Millennium executive with Iraqi origin, reveled us in Tunisia that he had all foreseen. He declared that the servers and the connections with Baghdad had already been installed. But, ICANN still doesn’t recognize the signed contract in 1999. Paul Twomey declared in public that the dossier was a real priority but, for a moment, the Millennium petition was with another dozen demands. Without doubt, this eminently political matter, will be treat with the best attention. Though, for sure, it isn’t a priority matter inside the present tumults, the "national" dominion name arriving would be able to be a strong sign of change.



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