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.Net : Is the re-delegation marching on?

25 November 2006 21:42

Et And two by two? .net should be transferred to another operator alter the society between ISOC/PIR got the .Org. We know the three "historical" gTLDs .Com, .Net and .Org belonged to NSI/VeriSign. This giant had to accept its separation from .org and .net for keeping with the profitable .com and, in this way it goes out of a "dominant position abuse". This is the second gTLD on importance which should change hands in June, 30, 2005 when the flexible contract between VeriSign and ICANN for .Net will expire. Without doubt, this hastens the covetousness: like the contradiction of Afilias (.info agent) into .Org and NeuStar (.Biz) into .CN and .US showed, it is fundamental for the Registries which manage several extensions to get the decisive shape. It will allow doing economies in a comfortable scale. A time when the "novelty" of gTLDs isn’t enough for drawing new registers in a body. A new battle is coming, if we refers to the relatively soft transition of .org, fortunately the user shouldn’t suffer to much!



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