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Saturation point for the net in 2010 ?

18 April 2008 11:27

A study] conducted [Nemertees Research company shows that projected traffic will exceed IP infrastructure by two to five years from now. There are fears that the increasing use by net surfers could outcast existing IP access infrastructures.

The arising problem is the growing number of applications bandwidth eager as streaming, interactive video, peer to peer transfer, music downloading. In addition, wireless devices as mobile phones, Blackberrys and game accessories are seting additionnal access for consumers speeding up dramatically bandwith consumption.

During last years, those elements are leading towards internet use new definition.

In order to prevent this threat of jam, global investment should be close to USD 137 billions in order to implement a band width fited to net surfers needs.

The conclusion of this study underline that by 2010 Internet band width will not be able to meet net sufers demand.

Net surfers will have accodingly to face growing number of local “failures” on the web or breaking off in applications they are use to.

More than on attempt will be eventually need in order to confirm on line purchase and downloading a video on Youtube will be delayed.

The market will be impacted by the slowdown of innovations and who knows if next Amazon, Google or Youtube will be able to emerge in this poor infrastructure.

Hélène de Brettes By  

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