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Spanish IDNs allowed in dotINFO

18 April 2008 11:15

Recording of spanish IDNs are open since January 19th at 8 pm on first arrived first served base.

Specific letters in spanish language are :

à : A in small case with acute accent will replace the a. à : A in small case with grave accent will replace the a. é : E in small case with acute accent will replace the e. è : E in small case with grave accent will replace the e. ì : I in small case with acute accent will replace the i. ï : I in small case with diaerisis will replace the i. ó : O in small case with acute accent will replace the o. ò : O in small case with grave accent will replace the o. ú : U in small case with acute accent will replace the u. ü : U in small case with diaerisis will replace the u. ñ : N in small case with tilde will replace n, nh, ni, nn, ny, gn.

Let us recall that there are no restrictions for dotINFO domaine name registration and that IDNs are already avalaible in Danish, German, Hungarian, Icelandic, Korean, Lettonian, Lithuanian, Polish and Swedish.

Up to day, almost 5 millions of dotINFO have been registred!

For this extension our sponsor is of course accredited live by ICANN and its Afilias Registry.

Hélène de Brettes By

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