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What forum for ccTLDs? - 27-May-04

29 November 2006 10:54

As each quarter in the same period, the debates develop in good rhythm in the community of Country Registry (ccTLDs) for preparing the next ICANN meeting. The next one will be celebrated in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on July from 19 to 23. But because of political matters its localized won’t be easy!

The three forces in action in relation with the Internet governance are, for sure, going to face, each one in its conference room. The International Union of Telecommunications (ITU) opens the discussion with a seminary over the Internet governance, as a continuation of the one celebrated in Paris the last year. A novelty, however, the seminary is developed during an ICANN meeting and with its collaboration. The irony of the luck doesn’t escape, for sure, to Paul Twomey who remembers (see informative bulletin nº12) that he had to go out under military force of the World Summit on the Information Society organized for this same ITU on last December! We want to guarantee that this change predicts better relations between the ICANN and the World governments, which show the desire of give a step toward the private sector.

But the things aren’t simples inside the ICANN, neither. The ccNSO, legally adjusted in the autumn meeting in Cartage, represented, supposedly, to ccTLDs in the Management Counsel of ICANN trying to recruit the majority of ccTLDs. The majority of European Registries prefers, in this way, to keep their independence and want to avoid every statement that could seems a recognizing of any official entail and consequently financier! – with the ICANN. As much as some ccTLDs deny to go like observers in the ccNSO meeting because they are afraid of its simple presence not be perceived in a juridical way as an adhesion! This ridiculous situation until almost the absurd seems, on the other hand, assigned to last since in the moment when we write the wwwTLD- the “official” organization of the ccTLDs out of ccNSO – hasn’t organized a contra-meeting, yet! The closing of the matter is far and it will do, for sure, the honey of the third edition of “General Naming States” organized in Paris on July,1º and that we will re-take in our next edition.



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