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.EU : Pay attention to the cheats !

24 novembre 2006 17:46

Our DomaiNews faithful readers know that .EU did us more than to wait ! However, while-according with our information’s- the EurID consortium and the European Commission still haven’t signed the contract, in order to establish formally the Belgium-Italian-Swedish Group as the Registry, there are some unscrupulous societies that are trying to take advantage on the users impatience. These societies are proposing, into SPAM big campaigns, the “pre- registering” of domain names into .EU.

It is for sure, that after the cold sweats brought by the “Sunrise Period” to the companies with the .Biz and .Info, it is a big temptation to pay attention as soon as we can about .EU to be calm. The usurpers are playing with this fears. However, as EurID pointed out to Domaine.fr last week “until now there isn’t any pre-registering procedure established and these methods have the condemn of the European Commission”.

It must be properly clear for our readers : all the present offers about “pre-registering” don’t have basis and they are entailed with a cheat. The agent of one of this societies didn’t have doubts about affirming us, after a conversation, that “the EURID site isn’t actual and his company had more recently information”. But this was formally given the lay to us, as by the EurID as by the European Commission representative.

At least, it is also necessary to mention, that some service lenders that propose the registering of domain names into .EU inside a “pre-list”, compromised themselves “to do all” in order to register the chosen domain names when it be possible. But at the same time they say “they don’t offer guarantees about this possibility”. Even this is a more honest proposal because there isn’t a real promise, this point of view is as dangerous as the other. In this phase, nobody can say what the procedure will be effectible used by the Registry. In short, all is a matter of patient in relation with .EU as we say repeatedly !


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