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.EU : the Arlesien coming back ?

24 novembre 2006 17:50

Our faithful readers, for sure, remember the difficulty that had the European Commission for determining the .EU Registry. The election of the Belgium-Italian- Swedish Consortium EURID would have to quicken things, though we can’t believe so much in that. Unfortunately, if we trust in the things the most important protagonists could say us in Tunisia, we were right. It seems that the registry Policy shows some problems and gives rise to frequent shuttle between the Registry and the Commission. An example, that unfortunately we can’t prove, is that the commission would want the creation of a “forbidden word list into the registering” in .eu. The matter is, of course, to know how this list is going to be fixed. And over all what the language will be, taking into account that the Registry will have to consider the expert’s report of the 25 State members. In relation to set forth, the “sunrise period” will be in the spring of 2003, exactly at the time when the new State members can be associated there. Under these conditions, and if all goes well, the first registering would be in the autumn of 2004. Be patient. Will .EU be the first placed mark ?

See http://tinymce.moxiecode.cp/mce_temp_url


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