Go and pair by once. In the capital point of this newsletter we will undertake the theme of the communicated information by EurID regarding the extension. EU that permits (at last !) to be done a more exact idea of the new extension and of their impact in the global market. Domaine.fr never dissembled its interest by this extension and always wanted - Still before the first publication of the tender ! - To continue it very closely to be able to report them possible the best. Coherent with this logic, we travel to Brussels May 27 invited by EurID in order to become register borrowers (Registrars) of the extension. EU. This accreditation is added to the ones that already we possess before the ICANN, CORENIC, AFNIC and other/other 40 ccTLDs.
The nerves of this war, the price of the extension. EU is the first criterion that is going to permit its comparison with other Lis. Bad news : the prices Registrars set by EurID they are a 40% more expensive than the ones of the extension. Com, for example. Of course that is not logical to compare an extension that has just recorded in the servant root with another that counts to his credit with more than 20 years of commercial politics. And with a price "Registrars" for an extension. EU of 10 €ht per year, will be difficult without doubts to propose the "final product" to a comparable price with the extension .Com. Bonus extra for the European identity that do not coincide - in France, al least - with the state of reigning spirit ! With a quota of optimism, EurID compromises to descend the prices if the extension. EU is successful. In fact, by being an organization without end of gain as the AFNIC, it is not permitted to obtain profits ; what does not impede to include a proposed one fare extremely diversified, particularly, during the "period of sunrise", destined to the holders of marks or public agencies that desire to impede its fraudulent registration in. EU. For a mark, the registration sunrise costs 45 € supplementary (to the ones that one must add, clear, the 10 € of the registration, what throws a total cost of 55 €). For a community, the "supplementary cost" is of 35 €. Finally, is possible to cause to be worth other rights on a name during the period sunrise (use, for example) for 85 €. These rates only apply, of course, if the name is found really registered... Now, the constitution of a registration Sunrise - even if fails - costs systematically 15 € in concept of administrative expenses, perceived by the auditing firm "Price Waterhouse Coopers", responsible for auditing the registrations Sunrise.
The principle of Sunrise is accompanied by a "row of wait" : each to Register reputable that possess the extension. EU has "direct line" toward the Registration EurID to submit the registrations of its clients, in a date given. To preserve the equity of this system, EurID took advantage of the occasion for do well you owe them and to declare, immediately for all, as "illegal" to the mechanisms of true-false of pre-registers they implemented by Registrars little scrupulous. On the other hand, a Register member of various channels of reputable distribution by EurID has the prompt way to utilize them : It is what will do Domaine.fr to offer them a service that is as quickly as possible !