The .cn is opened. Exclusive interview to DomaiNews by Jennie-Marie Idler of Neustar
Like we announced in our number 1, from December, 15 the companies from the whole world can register domain names « .cn ». Jennie-Marie Idler, General Commercialization Manager of NeuStar was found in Amsterdam ICANN by DomaiNews and gently she wanted to answer our questions.
The Internet opening in China
Jennie-Marie Idler, NeuStar : « .cn domain names are a first stage for the opening in China ! »
DomaiNews : Why do you believe China has decided to open its action field of naming .cn and how NeuSar was chosen ?
Jennie-Marie Idler : Chinese commercial borders are opening more and more. The first sign was, of course, the access into the Popular Republic of China (RPC) to the World Organization of Commerce. It was a logical consequence that China be visible in Internet. Until now, the registry of domain names in « .cn » was only reserved to Chinese companies which had a physical presence in China, and it this way, this limited the reach, of course.
The RPC took the decision of opening its domain names to international companies but it needed a partnership who might allow it to be in touch with them. In order to the creation of a complete retailer net (Registrars) and domain name buyers (Registrants) was necessary to be able to put technically them in touch, to establish a bill structure and technical support and besides « to speak its language ». NeuStar was, for sure, a logical choice for the Chinese NIC thanks to our net of international Registrars established for .BIZ and .US and also because we wanted to help them to adjust its system with the International norms(EPP). As a Governmental Organization, they recognized the neutral position of NeuStar in the American telecommunications, strengthened them, for sure in this choice.
DomaiNews : to a lot of people, Internet in China is a synonym of censure. What is your answer ?
China has today 54 million Internet users and only 80 million Web sites are referenced. In 2002, the transactions of electronic commerce in China produced 480 million dollars, in 2004 this number should be more than 26 million ! China has a long way to open enough « its » internet but to allow the general access inside its domain name field is a primordial step to change radically the perception that you make reference.
DomaiNews : Who can register a « .cn » domain name in the third level, today and is it going to change ?
From December 15, every company can register a domain name in « .cn » third level (, o, for example). From March, 15, international and Chinese companies will be able to register « » for the first time.
DomaiNews : If the majority of ccTLDs follow the example of the .cn and allow the companies from all countries to register domain names inside an area that is considered « local », aren’t you afraid of losing its specificity ?
All depends on what you are defining as ccTLD « specificity ». If you take the example of the two most popular ccTLDs, .uk and .de, each one of them has the registry of several million domain names but between them only 10 to 12% are registered by companies that aren’t in the country we mentioned. The name sites are defined and used by the country Internet users, companies and governments. According to my point of view, an opened and accessibly ccTLD implies the access for all the inhabitants in the country, of course, and also for the fellows and companies with specific interests in relation with the country Internet users.
DomaiNews : Does NeuStar foresee to propose this kind of service to another ccTLDs in the future ? Today, there aren’t accurate projects in this sense but we are very happy about the way of development of the .cn introduction until now. The Registrars that are members in our net had told us their satisfaction they have because their clients can use .cn domain names without establishing complex relations with a new Registry. We would be very happy if we could foresee another similar opportunities !