ICANN had promised it : the selection process of “new” gTLDs would be faster and more transparent than seven veteran processes like the .info, the .biz and others. It happened, then, a few weeks after the quarter meeting in Rome where they presented ten new extension projects, considered in time and shape, of supplementary elections to the user that wants to register the domain name but under certain conditions.
At first, it is necessary underlined that these extensions are called “documented” or “patronized”. To saying this more clearly, opposite to .info for example, where each one can register a domain name, ten projects put on the ICANN site are presented like specialized areas, offering new services or some accuracy for the Net user ; .asia (www.dot.Asia.org]) tries to promote the culture and the Asiatic environment in this last category ; .cat (www.puntcat.org]) pursues the same for Catalan, since .mobi (www.mtldinfo.com]) is supported by Nokia and Microsoft in order to offer new services of mobile phones, without doubt, it is fought with these two ones .tel (www.pulver.com]. and www.telname.com]). The .XXX proposes the creation of an area dedicated to adults and so gives responsibility to Internet users. The .travel ([www.ttpc.org) and .jobs ([www.shrm.org) are supported by manufactures and their respective sectors that promote trips and human resources to Internet users. At least, you don’t have to confuse .post ([www.upu.int) which was proposed for the International Union of Mail Services to harmonize our old and dearest mail addresses in Internet and .Mail ([www.spamhaus.org) that was created for fighting against SPAM : the head of the domain name toto.com will be able to register toto.com.mail and the Registry suggested to do the selection of non desired mails selections in the source or origin and to hinder the using of an address like [moi@toto.com.mail to send non desired mails in mass.
From this quickly inventory, you can underline that convocations are always stirred up by the domain name sector ! After the relative failure of .Name and .Biz, you could doubt of the interest of new gTLDs opening for all and these “sTLDs” are a good agreement. However .Museum and .Aero, two of sTLDs existents, don’t know a real success neither. Will ten presented proposals be enough originals and attractive to prove there is a life after.Com ? The answer will be in a few months, you remember they still are in the first observation phase. Don’t doubt in giving your opinion on this matter !
See http://www.icann.org/tlds/stld-apps-19mar04/stld-public-comments.htm