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.Fr : 200 000 names and some senators.

24 novembre 2006 16:29

The effects of “liberalizing” of .FR seem to be felt since the register has proudly with 200000 domain names have been registered until now. Even if this cipher must still relatively consider in comparison with other European Registers, it is a strong sign and the AFNIC is right when it congratulates itself for the success of the operation. Unfortunately, the opening doesn’t please all worlds ! Often, it is confused by mistake with an administration because of its privileged entails with the French Government, “ the association of private right AFNIC” has recently become infuriated some senators’ anger. The reason ? The forlornness of “preferential” status of local collectivities and intendancy of .FR names. Into the frame of the opening, the AFNIC advised to collectivities “to register the name that corresponded to its city before someone else takes it”. Into the purest tradition “the first come, first served” ! On the other hand, if “Paris.fr” belongs to the capital city, “StTropez.fr” is used like a place of lodging rent on vacations ! Then, senators present a law project because “the French Republic and its territorial organization must protect itself imperatively. We can’t permit that a collectivity (municipality, department or region) has to pay rights to a third for the using of its own name”. Is the Naming Letter questioned for the Republic laws ? The answer soon !

See http://www.senat.fr/leg/ppl03-309.html


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