The ICANN meeting of Kuala-Lumpur was the opportunity of ratifying the way to Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) standard. This new format will allow the fight against the (so relative) addresses scarcity IPv4 that should affect Internet in some years. As a matter of fact, each ordainer connected to Internet in a certain moment is assigned to an only address IP : the Internet development could show that there aren’t enough addresses for all, in long term, yet ! IPv6 permits to assign million of supplementary addresses and so to associate an IP to each object (mobile phone, refrigerator). Thanks to AFNIC, France was for a long time one of the most advanced countries into this dominion. It is logical then, .FR be one o the first registries (with the .KR, the .JP and more recently the .IE) who proposes visible addresses IPv6 into the world. A way of coming into the XXI century of French Internet !
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