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.Fr : Judicial procedure or a cultural exception - 03-March-05

3 mars 2005 08:29

We have already been echo of the agitations produced by the establishment of the procedure of “liberalization” of .Fr and the attempt of some little unscrupulous undertakings of being useful to carry out the cyber-squatting in a great scale. Someone called Laurent Nunenthal is accused by the Registry because he registered no less than 4465 names- see the list on http://www.afnic.fr/data/actu/publi... on his own and by means of a Luxembourg Registrar. In agreement with the new letter of appointment, these names were blockaded after three months of the starting of this subject in October 21, 2004.We can be astonished at each other that the names are still blocked, because this term had expired the last week. The association leans this election in a dictation means in December14, 2004 and it verifies the “repeated violations” on the letter of appointing.

We wait for a “base” and immediate judgment for establish formally Mr. Nunenthal’s or the AFNIC responsibility. Then, the French Registry, chosen in that moment, still takes care of the names known like “sine die”- Latin adverbial phrase that means an uncertain date- waiting for a decision of the justice or the situation grow calm, in another words, “that the AFNIC not verifies already neither denounces, neither put in residence, nor expedients of transmission during a thirty consecutive days period”. If the owners of fees must be congratulated about the impatience puts by the registry to compensate for its confusion- would Mr. Nunenthal be able to register these names if 4465 societies would have been more vigilant ? We can ask about the particular use that AFNIC makes to the “first that arrives, first in attention”, that put so much pawn in adopting See http://www.afnic.fr/actu/nouvelles/ nommage/CP20050121


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