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.FR : The privileges abolition !

25 novembre 2006 00:11

Without be polemic, this title done during our previous edition where we announced a revolution forward march. Today we can say this happened ! The Administration Counsel of the French Association of Internet Naming into Cooperation that has a meeting in the beginning of November, cut and gave up the "name right" previously established. According with the new standard it will be possible for now to register any chain of characters ( don’t registered before, of course) in .Fr without bond with a family name or firm name of the company. Of course, it was already possible for Sony society to register a Playstation.fr but this was trough an specific inscription on its K-Bis or a deposited mark In the second quarter of 2004, these formalities won’t already be necessary but at first they are only referred to physical people or with a legal identity by means of a base partner of AFNIC (Infogreffe for companies, ICIMarques for trade marks). The next stage will begin in 2004 with a certain date near January of this year. It will allow that human beings without identification in this base to register any name, too. As always the AFNIC, the agreement takes its time !

See : http://www.afnic.fr/


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