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How do I set my web and e-mails redirections ?

26 janvier 2007 23:00

15 - How do I shape my net re-addresses and e-mails ?

To the net re-address :
- In order to can do a re-address, you must go back over your technical interface.

For this, at first you must go back over your client space with your user name and your password, when you be in the menu « my hosting », « to manage my packs », then you press the entail « to manage this pack »

This will open the technical interface ( verify that your cookies be active, and the 8443 port be opened in its firewall if you have one)

Press your domain name in the lower part of the page when you be in the technical interface, then in the « HOSTING/HEBERGEMENT » letter, there press « set up », this is the link that allows you to shape your domain name.

Choose your re-address method : Frame or Standard after you have validated it, you must pick up your address of re-address.

For more information, you can be in touch with us to 0825.701.700. or by e-mail to press@domaine.info

To the e-mails re-address :
- In order to can do an e-mail re-address, you can go back over your technical interface.

For this, at first you must go back over your client space with your user name and your password, when you be in the menu « my hosting », « to manage my packs », then press the entail « to manage this pack ».

This will open the technical interface ( verify that your cookies will be enable and the 8443 port be opened in its firewall if you have one)

Press your dominion name in the lower part of the page when you be in the technical interface, then in the « services » menu, press « mail ».

Then, « add mail », there you don’t put your password because it is simple a re-address.

In « re- address » you point out the address of your e- mails re-address.

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