America faster than Europe ? In any case, "" took the applauses to it. The "Sunrise Period" started on June, 17 and will finish on August, 15 at 11:59 p.m. (New York time). The principle is simple : under the standard, already well known, of "first that arrives, first in attention", every owner of a trade mark or an American commercial mark-, of course, that is regulated under the standards of .us- can present a registering application. If it is valid, the dominion name will be reserved you for five years. The proper thing to you for a "Sunrise period", is to impede the abusive use of a mark. The Applicants can protect their name, even they have no intention of offering specific services to kids younger than 13 years under this extension, contrary to the "normal" rules of However in practice, if the dominion name "isn’t kept" it is resent to a site and Neustar- which manages the as the .us- will verify the integrity of the content with the help of the Cyveillance society. It is forbidden the pornographic content, the incentive to the hate, the alcohol publicity, tobacco, drug, play, as well as the contents "reserved to adult public". On the other hand, into an interesting renovation, the Neustar policy forbids the sites that use a name into "", to propose relationships toward sites that use "normal" dominion names. It is made in this way, a kind of virtual people for young children because all the places must answer to the same rules.