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27 November 2006 14:44

The waiting from .Eu and the lateness from .Pro, the reduction of “cyber-squatting”. A lot of phenomenon suggested the golden age of “” was finished, and however the announcement, a few weeks ago, about the name sale “” in 1.3 Million dollars (you read well, a little bit more than a million euros in the present rate) could be the relation signal that all the world was waiting for. Mr.Schwartz, the transaction beneficiary, isn’t new in the domain names market. He is a specialized man in this kind of “stroke”, and he is, over all, a very patient person! was bought to the one who registered it at the first time in simple 15.000 dollars, totally legal, in 1997. Seven years later, he proves that a good change of a domain name could produce more benefits than the ”cyber squatting”, with less judicial concerns! If you are still further- and you feel happy- of 24 million francs from the famous “”, the Men case shows like a good standard, that a good domain name is always useful: then if a recent study announces that the Internet using in Europe increased 90% between 2000 and 2003 and the value of the electronic commerce will represent several million dollars at the end of this year, it is more important than ever that users find easily their way into the net. The “entry” isn’t opened until now, a real impact of the name into the sale isn’t known because it wants a certain specification in order to be able to give a value. But this hard investment is, without doubt, a strong indicator and a lesson: domain names are still being registered!



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