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Multilingual : at ones (almost) it is part of.

29 novembre 2006 21:06

One of the biggest advances into the ICANN meeting in Montreal, is that the international domain names could appear very soon, with their base over the standards proposed and ratified by the IETIF-Internet engineering Task Force, the organism that is responsible of putting in final form of the Net protocols- The .CN registries-China-, the.JP-Japan-, the .org and .info- two gTLDs technically managed by Afilias society- they declared work under the established standards by the ICANN. Between them, you can find the obligation on working next to the referring protagonists to different countries or the to writing scripts-who knows if the French academy won’t have, a certain day, to make an examination about stresses into .fr ?- in order to determine the standards must be put on inside the transformation contour of domain names ASCII- the American standard which excludes stresses- in Unicode- the new standard allows the management of stresses and scripts like Cyrillic and Greek characters-. The gTLDs case that can have registered names from different languages and countries is more complex. How can you know if the X character into xylophone or the Russian "khah" that is entailed with our H letter ?. Because of this reason, the registry policy must be established with big precautions and our "simple" stresses aren’t no more than the visible point of the iceberg. The situation, in theory, is more simple for ccTLDs because the vocabulary and the writing should settle country by country. Then, the Swedish .SE can be proud of propose the "sunrise period" for stress domain names from October, 14 to October, 21, 2003, with a reopening to public in October, 23. Are you waiting for .Fr ?

See : http://www.icann.org/general/idn-guidelines-20jun03.htm


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