If the "new" gTLDs that appeared in 2001, had to suffer- in different degrees- the new technologic crises, nobody better that .name can speak on the topic. This extension, it is supposed the "shelter" of physical people into the Web, suffered a complex working method. And so, a person called Marine Durand only had the access into marine. durand or durand.marine address. This happen because the e-mail is still managed by the Registry, directly. It can only dispose of re-addresses that involve an address like Marine@Durand name. But in spite of a modification demand presented into the Montreal ICANN, today, the Registry proposes the application into the "second level". In our example, the dominion name "Durand.name" will finally be able to register in a direct way. The Registry even made a name list that can be registered at first. There, they put the patronymic names have already registered into.com, for example, in order to make the work easier for the application service lenders, and the possible candidates. The registering into second level will be available in November. But unlike that its opening was, it won’t be preceded by an "avalanche" period.
See http://www.domaine.info/Redirect/www.gnr.name