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New extensions : the revolution ?

27 novembre 2006 18:02

“The Community said and we listened to it”. The Counsel Administration President of ICANN and Vint Cerf, the “Internet’s father”, made a comment in this way about a decision qualified by Paul Twomey, the President, like “historical”, and it is true the global working process for gTLDs new creations (they come to complete .com, .net apart from .info and .biz) was the principal character into the last day events of the annual meeting a somewhat humble-minded in Tunisia.

Finally, the Counsel Administration decision foresees an action between two times. At first, in middle December, PDG from ICANN will publish a call like an interest expression for new TLDs consider “reserved”, like .museum, .coop and .aero. These will be accessible only to certain user’s categories. We are referring to .travel to professional tourism, for example or .health for the health. In this way the Internet community will be able to express on TLDs, if does it think they are useful and how does it believe it would be the best way to establish them ? But ICANN wants to go so far, it wants “to define a procedure that permits the creation of others gTLDs”. Novelty, the procedure didn’t take into account certain limits about the proposition amounts that can be submitted under ICANN. Then proximately, will we see tens of new extensions appearing next times ? Whatever the exit is, the procedure should take a time, like usual, ICANN is thinking about throwing a big consulting process : does OMPI, from industry representatives. To user representatives, go deep into a study about the international domain name impact ? ICANN never hid that the 7 “new extensions” in 2000 were thrown in more than a phase, maybe, the association wants to supply the elements for more radical changes.

But precisely, does the first step justify going in a high speed ? Though is the Committee in charge of its evaluation ? For the little history, with Sébastien Bachollet of CIGREF in the president position, he won’t show his works until January we know for sure, that new extensions never took off really. These are proved by the conjunct applications from .name and .pro. They don’t modify their management and so they try to attract new users (they are counted at next).Will new extensions be more successful while “Internet Bubble” has definitely exploded ? DomaiNews won’t let this dossier follow for all of you !

See www.icann.org


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