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.NU : a Country-code, even without country !

25 novembre 2006 01:14

If the recent example of .CS from the ex Yugoslavia proves that the changes into the policy have a real incidence over the extensions life, it seems that climatic convulsions don’t have anything ! The small island of Niue, famous for its .NU ccTLD, and problems about re-delegations that existed specially last year- all they suffered because of the Heta cyclone in the last month. The result was that people chose to go into exile to New Zealand. However, the extension sheltered into the Root servers of ICANN still has beautiful days from now ! In fact, the majority is used in Sweden (.NU means “now” in Swedish) and less into the island. But, over all, the lists of codes ISO 3166-1, used for ccTLDs don’t have bonds with any official list of country ! For sure, will .NU be available, apart of nobody lives in Niue island ? Is it a supplementary sign of the difference between Internet and “the real life” ?

See http://www.domaine.info/Redirect/www.nunames.nu


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