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Obelix fallen down in the domain names when he was a little boy ?

1er février 2007 15:50

The famous Gallic heroes well-defined as French ones, Asterix and Obelix don’t appear into cartoons, yet. The thing doesn’t appear in front of your eyes in an evident way is, on the other hand, the similarity between these heroes with the system of exploitation called UNIX and its derivates ! Alberto-rené editions, which wrote the magic potion drinker albums, decided the same. According to its arguments, we listened them after the first instance process and confirmed after a call, against the Mobilix Society, this is the author of an exploitation system for mobile phones under UNIX, the name "Mobilix" is too similar to "Obelix" and it can deceive the potential client over the nature of the site. The informatics program author (today it is called VoxMobili, a Latin reference to make the Gallic angry) wants to take this case in front of the Supreme German Court "to fight against a systematical forbidding of the names with ix". Since Alberto-rené editions could already do that three dominion names of this type were forbidden. Then, these Gallic ones are crazy ’ : -)

See http://tuxmobil.org/mobilix_asterix.html


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