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.pro : more professions ! - 16-November-04

24 novembre 2006 11:02

In spite of the reigning skepticism and an evident delay in the ignition, bravely the .pro follows its own way. From November 8, engineers, dentists and architects are the ones who can register their names in “smitharchitect.pro”, “doe.dentist.pro” etc. On the other hand, .pro sub-categories open to acronyms or local specifications in order to accompany the latest reception of independent professions in Germany and the Unit Kingdom, apart of USA and Canada,-but not in France, unfortunately-. And so, the Bar.Pro will be able to be chosen by Great Britain “Lawyers” instead of the Law.Pro. English engineers will be also able benefited on their specific orthography on Eng.pro instead of Ing,Pro !

See http://www.registrypro.pro


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