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The ccNSO appears with so much pain in Montreal !

27 novembre 2006 12:44

It was almost ready ! After four years of working, the creation of the Country Code Names Supporting Organization, that supposedly represents the ccTLDs interests in the management counsel of the “new" ICANN only had to be a formality after the working document publishing of the Committee for Evolution and Reforms (ERC) of the organization (see on our previous editions). However, the matter went bad at least ! It was the last ERC "draft" that added fuel to the flame ! It was published – according to the ICANN purest tradition – just a few days before the beginning of the Montreal meeting, this text was criticized as very undefined – the place of duties of the ccNSO was, for example, especially ambiguous - by some ccTLDs which threatened with its separation of the agreement and between them were found, in spite of, the .uk and the .de, two of the most powerful ccTLDs in relation with the registry number ! The shaking up debates lasted for two full days, on the air was the idea that “if they aren’t with us, they are against us” astonished by the ERC since the ccTLDs (the Norwegian representative who is especially active in this front) considered impossible to sign because they called it “tricky text”. At least, the changes into the text weren’t as important as enough so that ccTLDs majority could “go back to the circuit” with a high forehead and each one was congratulated on the spectacular projection made in relation with the Internet governance ! Not even the fact of the ICANN Board charismatic member, Andy Muller-Maguhm has tried without successful that an emendation were passed in the last minutes of the last day, neither the nationality (Germany, like the .de, the registry in the most opposite position against the project) will have impeded that the ccNSO project goes back in the final stage with the modifications on the ICANN “law texts” (bylaws) that ratified its creation. What follows in the next ICANN meeting, we will see in October ! Now and at once the French MEDEF supports this evolution and for sure, it would want to take part actively, why not in a "business constituency" like it already exists for the gTLDs’ you must follow !

See www.ccnso.org


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