The Committee about the Evolution and Reform of the ICANN goes on its jobs for preparing “ICANN2.0” and gave a new resolution dated on April, 22, this time about the organization that must improve the ccTLDs position inside the ICANN. The ccNSO (Country Code Names Supporting Organization) is supported for the ccTLDs majority (and particularly by AFNIC, fr) since it should allow to National Registries to express in a better way the Internet Community interests that they represent in the ICANN. The two basic roles achieved to the ccNSO from the Committee are “to propose advices to the ICANN Management Counsel “ and “to develop respectively the general assent between the different organisms from the ICANN, particularly, the ones in relation with domain names” as, for example, the IP Constituency which takes care of the copyright problems as for domain names.
The possible organization of ccNSO is stated with all details in the resolution on April, 22. It foresees, particularly, that the five areas that are recognized by ICANN (Europe, Asia-Pacific, Africa, Latin-America and North-America) have five seats each one in the Organization in order to guarantee the geographical diversity. On the other hand, the ICANN foresees to give its support to ccNSO giving one from its staff at its disposal for doing tasks that were appointed by the ccNSO president. In exchange, the ICANN won’t accept the budget of ccNSO and still less the expenses of displacement of its members.
The creation of ccNSO permits to guarantee to the different Local Internet Communities that they will be better represented in the ICANN, and it is, a good thing, for sure ! If you want to speak about this resolution, you can do it until May, 7th at the following link.
See : /fifth-supplemental-implementation-report -22apr03.htm