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The end of the suspense for the .EU ?

29 janvier 2007 21:45

.EU : towards the end of the suspense !

It looks as if the decision of the European Commission to decide the consortium that must administer futures domain names in "eu" won’t take a long time much more after this decision was displaced from the end of February to the end of March. A personal site published even, the Tuesday afternoon a project of decision of the commission designating to the Italian -Belgium -Swedish group EURID like the winner.

Then, end of the suspense ? Not totally. In practice, this document-whose well advanced publication on Internet appears breaking all the norms of the European Commission for the confidentiality in relation with the processes of the called Expression of Interest-is not definitive, as it is necessary clearly in the heading. The final decision belongs to the Minister Counsel of Telecommunications of the European Union, that keeps the possibility of opposing to the judgment of the Commission.

The advice that must be collected on April 10, guarantees that the next days will be tense for EURID and also for European Domain Registry, the Luxembourg association that groups personalities of all the corners of the European Internet, that was the second in the classification. This decision, if it must be confirmed, it would be in any case a true affront for the AFNIC, that it had set all its political and logistic weight in the projected EUREG, that was only in the third place.

They don’t wait however register their domain name .EU. in April ! Always according to the document, one time validated the Registry for the Minister Counsel, opens to it a period of three months during which the legal structure of EURID must be validated, to permit the signature of the contract of concession. Accordingly, EURID must still accept as register of .EU. for the board of direction of the ICANN. Which it can, there also, take a certain time. When it is known that a Register can be taken three months to reach the cruising speed, the first registers must be produced until to the last quarter of 2003.

See ://http://tinymce.moxiecode.cp/mce_temp_url


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