On March, 25 and 26 in the ONU headquarters in New York City were Vint Cerf, Internet’s father, PDG of VeriSign, the president of CENTR and Kofi Annan. Looking for the squatter ? It wasn’t about an ICANN meeting but a reflection group of ONU on information technologies. Apart from the famous World Summit on the Information Society, and waiting for the Edition of Tunisia in 2005, it was another moment for the Governments of the world checked this industry that takes more space, since that at the moment it can be controlled.
The assiduous ones of DomaiNews weren’t mistaken, they didn’t learn nothing after this conference, each one placed into his own idea, the private sector – European Registries on the head – stamping the foot on the method “We don’t mend that which works perfectly”, while the countries in process of development expressed their frustration one more time, and above all, their turned down of a system that would have been bent to the “Californian law” for the using of Internet into their country. This virulent critique on the ICANN wasn’t unseen and the words that quieted down, came from Vint Cerf who congratulated himself because “Internet might be developed openly and freely, and this has allowed its increment” This won’t be enough to disperse the malaise that they are accustomed at the moment. Will it be necessary to choose an alternative a certain day ?
See www.ccnso.org